Design & Construction
We provide an innovative design management service that offers our Clients, both Owners and Contractors, the flexibility to select independent design disciplines with the confidence of knowing they will be unified and focused on providing the optimum solution.
This is achieved through the employment of Charter, as an independent Design Manager, to help advise in the selection of companies based on discipline strength and then unify these companies into a single project team with a focus on delivering the solution that best fulfils your requirements. Through this mechanism we also have the added advantage of giving the Client a single point of contact for all design enquiries.

Your challenges
Finding the right design consultant that has the skills to deliver all aspects of your project
Getting regular design updates
Gaining direct access to specialized knowledge
Progressing the design in such a way that gives you the information you require to facilitate your commercial and approval needs, whether that be early feedback for Tender Pricing or Business Case development
Having a contractors perspective during the design phase
Understanding how constructability impacts designs, budgets and schedule
How we will resolve them
Our approach to design management provides you with:
A single point of contact for all design disciplines
Ability to select multiple design consultants based on their discipline strength
A unified design team
A culture that listens and responds to your needs and concerns
Progression of design with a focus on constructability and whole life cost to ensure a balanced efficient design is delivered
Utilization of the diverse design team knowledge to foster an environment of innovation
Assurance that the design process is planned to deliver the information you need, whether as an Owner or a Contractor; in the order you require
Design Management
We approach construction management from two simultaneous perspectives, having boots on the ground and in the office. This offers our Clients reliable information and first hand accounts of what is happening on site. Charter knows from extensive experience that the only way to manage construction is to be proactive, engage with all contractors and to lead with confidence. Our team has worked across Canada, the UK and UAE managing and directing construction activities on private, public and PPP projects up to and over $1.4B in project value.
Construction Management
Your challenges
Knowing how to keep contractors on time and on budget
Accurately tracking progress and budget
Understanding the inner workings of the heavy civil and construction industry
Understanding project risks and where problems may arise on your project
Ensuring contractors with concurrent contracts work without conflict
How we will resolve them
Our approach to construction management provides you with:
Experienced field supervisors
Relationship building with contractors
Intimate knowledge and understanding of the design, scope and project contract documents
A single point of contact for construction activities
Current and accurate construction budget and schedule monitoring
On time reporting