Highway 1 - Fraser Valley Corridor Improvements Program
The Province of British Columbia
Fraser Valley Highway 1 Corridor Improvement Program
Adding 20Km of HOV Capacity in each direction
For more information on this project visit the BC Transportation and Infrastructure page. Link Below
(Photo credit: Ministry of BC Project Page)
The Project
As part of the Fraser Valley Highway 1 Corridor Improvement Program, this phase of work will focus on improvements along the Highway 1 corridor between the 264th Street Interchange and Whatcom Road Interchange. The work will involve collaboration between the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, First Nations, municipal and regional governments, transportation agencies, and active transportation and goods movement stakeholders to plan for the future of transportation for all users through and across the corridor.
Project Objectives:
Adding more than 20 kilometers of high occupancy vehicle (HOV) capacity in each direction
Facilitating efficient goods movement through improvements such as truck climbing lanes, and truck staging and parking areas
Reconfiguring or replacing existing interchanges at 264th Street, Highway 11, and Whatcom Road
Reconfiguring or replacing the Peardonville Road and Bradner Road underpasses.
Improving access and infrastructure for affordable and environmentally beneficial modes of transportation such as active transportation (walking, biking, and rolling), transit, electric vehicles, and car sharing
Charter’s Role:
As Owner’s Engineer, Charter is leading a team of multidisciplinary technical advisors to provide technical oversight of the project and overall project controls for the 20km highway widening project to support the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure in the delivery of the 264th Street to Whatcom Avenue Phase of the Program. Charter PDI has provided technical guidance to the Ministry including detailed technical reviews of the design as it is progressed by others, constructability analysis to confirm construction packaging and sequencing and oversight of the permitting preparation for environmental and archaeology. Additionally, Charter is leading key project controls aspects of the project including, cost estimating and control, schedule development and review, risk management, document control, health and safety auditing and quality oversight.