Surrey-Langley SkyTrain Expansion
BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (initially TransLink)
$1.377 B
Surrey/Langley, BC
The Project
The existing SkyTrain Line will be extended from the current King George Station to 203rd Street in Langley along the alignment of the Fraser Highway. It is expected that this extension will be built in two stages:
Stage 1: Extension from King George Station in Surrey to 160th Street (Fleetwood). A point suggested by TransLink that can be funded within the currently approved funding envelope of approximately $1.58 billion.
Stage 2: Extension from the end point of Stage 1 and to 203rd Street in Langley.
The scope of the full build-out includes:
Demolition of the last three spans of existing Expo Line.
Construction of 441 piers with eight different configurations and supported by drilled shafts.
15.8 kilometers of elevated guideway consisting of precast concrete spans with typical span lengths of 39 meters between stations and 20 meters at stations.
The elevated guideway superstructure consisted of 13.7 kilometers of a single box cross section and 2.12 kilometers of double box cross section.
A total of eight stations including center platforms at 140th, 166th, 184th, 190th and 203rd Streets, side platforms at 152nd, 160th and 196th Streets.
Reconstruction of approximately 4.2 kilometers of Fraser Highway to provide a new, 33-meter cross section with multi-use and pedestrian facilities.
Construction of nine PPS buildings.
Two tracks including approximately 900 meters of crossovers and turnouts, and 160 meters of pocket track.
A vehicle maintenance facility.
Utility relocations.
Cost Estimating, Risk Assessment and Technical Advisory Services
Charter PDI developed all costs associated with the project including construction, Owner’s costs, escalation, financing, and risk/contingency. Both direct and indirect costs were developed using a ‘ground up’ approach.
Challenges / Lessons Learned / Relevant Best Practices:
The development of a project budget estimate requires extensive experience and knowledge of all elements of a project. This is particularly important during project planning and in the early stages of a project when not all scope or project requirements have been defined. A knowledgeable and multi-disciplinary team is essential in this regard to identify project scope elements and project risks. Scope elements can then be included in the project estimate framework to ensure a complete budget is established.
As the project’s Cost Estimator, CHARTER is responsible for the production of the Project Budget, in as spent dollars, for different options to enable TransLink to prepare a business case, confirm funding allocations and establish municipal commitments related to the Project. The initial estimate was founded on a high-level design concept; thus, CHARTER’s experience and construction knowledge were critical in evaluating the detailed elements and ensuring the overall Project budget is robust enough to accommodate the design as it develops. Client soft costs such as third-party commitment, environmental requirement, FN consideration, archaeological investigation costs were all evaluated and included together with a robust analysis of the level of contingency that is appropriate to carry on the project
Proposed Personnel Involved:
Ed Green: Lead Cost Estimator – responsible for establishing the total project budget
Joost Meyboom: Technical Advisor – review of design work by others and input to overall costing
Sun Fang: OM&R Specialist – developed OM&R costs
Competencies Involved:
SkyTrain / Rail Rapid Transit Cost Estimating
SkyTrain / Rail Rapid Transit Design and Planning
SkyTrain /Rail Rapid Transit Construction Methodologies
Civil Engineering
Alternatives analysis and decision support
Transit Operations Planning