Capstan Station
The Project
Capstan Station is an infill SkyTrain station located between the Aberdeen and Bridgeport stations on the Canada Line in Richmond, BC. This station, pursued by the City of Richmond, is envisioned to provide mobility for the residents of the growing community of the Capstan Village as new developments continue to be completed. This project brings unique constructability challenges that are brought from building a station around an active ALRT line and other logistic challenges that come from being adjacent to the busy No. 3 Road.
Charter’s Role
Charter was retained by TransLink as Cost Consultant for developing construction cost estimates during the project’s early beginnings at the conceptual design stage and subsequently during the detail design stage. During the Procurement phase, Charter’s role evolved towards supporting TransLink with the assessment of bids that were tendered by the engaged Construction Manager responsible for delivering the project under a Construction-Manager-at-Risk (CMAR) approach. In addition, Charter is assisting TransLink during construction by validating the invoicing process with Earned Value Management in Primavera P6. Furthermore, Charter provides ad-hoc assistance by providing independent schedule reviews.