Pattullo Bridge Replacement Project

The Project

The existing Pattullo Bridge is seismically vulnerable and, given its age, in need of replacement. The bridge crosses the Fraser River at a location with particularly complex river hydraulics and scour of downstream structures is a significant project risk.

Other important project considerations are:

  • The new bridge is located within 30 metres of a major railway bridge that serves as a critical link to the port terminals in the Burrard Inlet.

  • There are numerous archaeological sites within the project boundary. Special provisions have been established to deal with these sites in an appropriate and respectful manner.

  • The project includes an extensive urban integration component with architecturally designed foot bridges, multi-use paths, landscaping and other urban design elements.

  • A long span bridge is required to span the very busy navigation channel in the river.

  • Soft soils at the south approaches to the bridge will require foundations with piles up to 100 meters long.


Technical Direction, Program Management, Cost Estimating, Risk Assessment and Procurement documents

Charter PDI has provided technical and program management services to support the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure in the delivery of the Pattullo Bridge Replacement Project. As part of this assignment, CHARTER has developed conceptual level technical solutions and supervised the development of preliminary designs by others. CHARTER established an independent cost estimate as part of the due diligence required to support the development of the Project business case. In addition, CHARTER has been responsible for the development of all technical specifications for the Design-Build-Finance procurement and has managed the corresponding topic meetings with proponents.


Challenges / Lessons Learned / Relevant Best Practices:

Project development, environmental assessment, certification and procurement for this complex project was carried out in just over two years. This was successfully carried by having a thorough understanding of the project site and of the Owner’s requirements. An innovative risk sharing regime was developed for a number of key project risks to balance value for money and appetite for risk. Through this work CHARTER knows the importance of clearly defining the project scope and constraints early to support and focus all future discussions.

Proposed Personnel Involved:

Ed Green: Lead Cost Estimator – responsible for establishing the total project budget

Joost Meyboom: Technical Advisor – review of design work by others and input to overall costing​

Competencies Involved:​

Cost Estimation (Capital, Operating and Maintenance)

Project Evaluation & Business Case Development

Alternatives analysis and decision support

Transportation Planning/Engineering

Civil Engineering

Travel Demand Modelling and Forecasting

Urban Design
Real Estate

Environmental Planning/Engineering

Geotechnical Engineering

Traffic Engineering and Microsimulation


Capstan Station


Taylor Bridge Project