Centerm Expansion Project
Dubai Ports World (Canada) Inc. in Vancouver and the Port of Vancouver
$454 M
Vancouver, BC
January 2017-ongoing
The Project
In January 2017 Charter Project Delivery Inc. was awarded the contract for Project Management Services by Dubai Ports World (Canada) Inc. in Vancouver (DPWV). These services will support DPWV and their Partner, the Port of Vancouver, to successfully deliver the expansion of the Centerm Terminal.
The project will increase terminal container capacity through an expansion of the land mass, a suite of re-configurations and investment in operational equipment. Off-Terminal improvements including road and rail modifications are intended to improve connectivity and the movement of containers and vehicles on the south shore. The proposed improvements are intended to increase terminal capacity from a current maximum of 900,000 containers (or TEUs) annually to 1.5 million annually.
Proposed project activities and components include:
Project Procurement:
Responsible for the delivery of the IPDR which involved management of the OE, cost control, budget preparation, third party negotiations and client updates. This portion of the projet was completed by the successful delivery of an Interim Project Definition Report (IPDR) which was submitted to the PMV Executive for project approval. The Project is presently in Commercial Agreement between PMV and the Terminal Operator.
Constructing an overpass to the entrance of the terminal (Centennial Road Overpass or CROP);
Removal of the Southern Railway rail crossing at Centennial Road.
Rail yard modifications to the CP tracks south of the terminal.
Westward extension to Waterfront Road.
The proposed Project is expected to be delivered using the design-build procurement model with an anticipated Project completion by fall of 2022.
Removing existing warehouse structures and rehabilitating the Ballantyne Pier (while retaining the Ballantyne Pier heritage façade and constructing a new office and operations building);
Reconfiguring the terminal intermodal yard to extend the existing tracks.
Removing the Heatley Avenue Overpass.
Reconfiguring the terminal container yard.
Establishing new storage facilities, increasing terminal parking.
Reconfiguring the terminal entrance area.
Upgrading terminal control systems and yard equipment.
Replacing two quay cranes with larger versions, installing up to five new electrified rail mounted gantry cranes, and;
Adding up to 20 new diesel-powered internal transfer vehicles.
Expanding the land area at both the west and east ends of the existing terminal. Approximately 4.2 hectares (ha) of marine area will be infilled on the west and 4 ha on the east.
In-water marine works include dredging to remove unstable substrates.
Constructing new rock dykes
Infilling open water areas within the dykes.
Dredging to enhance a navigational turning basin for the East Canada Place cruise ship berth in the area between Centerm and the Sea Bus south terminal