Kicking Horse Canyon Phase 4
Photo Original form: Credit: BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
$601 M
Golden, BC
For more information on the Kicking Horse Canyon Project visit:
Kicking Horse – Government of British Columbia (kickinghorsecanyon.ca)
The Project
The existing highway section east of Golden that is the focus of this project has approximately 4.85km of single lane east and west bound traffic. This highway section has sharp twists and turns with steep mountainous features on one side and a steep drop off to the river below on the other. This highway section becomes particularly congested and susceptible to accidents and large delays in all seasons of the year, posing significant risk for commuters and commercial transportation.
Other important project considerations are:
The new alignment will consist of approximately 4.85 km of new double lane highway;
The new alignment will have 5 new bridges with stabilized earth walls;
Independent Project Cost Estimator
Charter’s Role
Personnel Involved:
Ed Green
Elan Samouilhan
Devin Jones
Competencies Involved:
Cost Estimation (Capital, Operating and Maintenance)
Transportation Planning/Engineering
Civil Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering