Steveston Hwy Overpass Replacement

Charter’s Role:

Independent Cost Estimator, Constructability Reviewer, Construction Scheduler, Procurement Advisor, RFP Evaluator, DB Contract Advisor

Charter’s Responsibilities:

Charter PDI was responsible for developing a construction methodology and detailed construction cost estimate for the Project, as well as developing a detailed construction schedule to aid in developing construction costs and analyzing the high level cash flow and escalation during construction. CHARTER also provided advisory services during procurement, including RFQ and RFP evaluation and advising, and DB Contract advisory services.

The Project

The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is investigating options to build a new overpass along Steveston Highway over Highway 99, to twin the existing overpass structure and alleviate congestion on this interchange. The proposed solution involves building a new four-lane overpass on the northern side of the existing overpass, and upgrading both adjoining intersections to accommodate the new structure, the new lanes, and improved transit operations. The project would also introduce upgrades to the existing ITS traffic system for the counterflow lanes.


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