VFPA Portside-Blundell Overpass Project

Photo Credit: From the Port of Vancouver


The Project

The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority is looking to remove the at-grade rail crossing between Blundell Road and Portside Road in the Fraser Richmond Industrial Lands and replace it with a grade-separated structure and overpass to make way for a railyard expansion project. This location provides numerous connections to major transportation routes and facilities, making it a popular industrial area for warehousing and business that utilize shipping containers. This corridor has some of the highest and most concentrated activity in the Greater Vancouver area for goods movement from rail lines to trucks, and off to other destinations.

Charter’s Role

Owners Engineer Advisor, Cost & Constructability, Procurement and Contract Advisor


To advise the Owners Engineer by providing construction cost estimating (Class D/4), constructability, and other advisory services for the Portside Overpass and Blundell Widening project in Richmond. Charter is also heavily involved in procurement services, writing the project agreement, advising on progressive-design-build contract language, and assisting in the RFP process as an advisor and evaluator.


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